Monday, January 3, 2011

From now on a with in the week fall ill a number proportion may rise to epidemic situation Class

India national defense problem analyzes researcher in the graduate school Gu Yi ·Lai Lei to the satellite shoot item still be full of confidence.He says that the technical personnel soon will re- shoot a satellite.
"This is to print a dimension research to organize an important plan.This should be one of the satellites that it have already shot biggest quality.Shoot realm in the satellite, the failure is one among those parts."
India recent years enlarges space quest strength, complete a first time in August, last year no man explore the task in month and plan 2016 blast-off head carry a person aerospace machine.
(Responsibility editor:Zhao Ting)
New China net Peking gives or gets an electric shock(reporter, Yang Shu Yi, ) for the past one weekses on December 27, British flue sufferer is number increases more than 150%, among them, many people are infected A type H one N is one influenza virus.The medical worker sends out a warning, from now on a with in the week fall ill a number proportion may rise to epidemic situation Class.

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